The system doesn't work. Now that it's finally and completely collapsing, maybe it's time to get a new system rolling, one that's a bit more equitable for a whole bunch of people, and not just the chosen few. It should be fairly obvious to everyone that the class system doesn't work. And the United States has had a class system going since the get go.
First you got the pit bosses, politicos, the money boys. They who call the shots, the populist puppet masters, keepers of the flame of money. This is the class of the rich, the all powerful and all knowing, damned near godlike in their elevation. This slender bit of spectrum rules over all else, decides for all. The commonality is the righteousness, the hunger, the thirst, stockpiling, never, ever having quite enough. But in actuality having money enough to choke a horse, more than they could ever possibly spend, more than they could ever eat, more than they could ever take with them.
More at PNN. . . .
Signs of Low Testosterone in Men: What to Look For
5 months ago
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